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Lrc 张碧晨 - 爱你的宿命

张碧晨 - 爱你的宿命 LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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310 - 张碧晨 - 爱你的宿命 [04:09.29] 6 years ago
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[00:15.92]나 다시 허락한다면
[00:16.43]na ta xi ho la kan da mion
[00:22.68]그댈 다시 볼 수 있다면
[00:23.92]ke dæ ta xi pu su yi da mion
[00:31.67]내 지난 기억 속에서
[00:32.17]næ ji nan gi on su gæ so
[00:37.67]그 아픔 숙에서
[00:38.17]ke a pun su gæ so
[00:41.18]그댈 불러
[00:41.67]ke dæ pun lo
[00:46.43]You are my destiny 그댈 ke dæ
[00:54.17]You are my destiny 그댈 ke dæ
[01:02.42]You are my everything
[01:06.17]그대만 보면서
[01:06.67]ke dæ man pu mion so
[01:10.92]이렇게 소리없이 불러봅니다
[01:11.42]yi lon kæ su li on xi pu lo pun ni da
[01:18.42]You are the one my love 그댈 ke dæ
[01:26.42]You are the one my love 그댈 ke dæ
[01:34.18]You are my delight of all
[01:38.18]그대는 영원한 나의 사랑이죠
[01:38.42]se sang æ yong won ha na ye sa rang yi zuo
[01:59.68]如果 对我还残存想念
[02:06.17]那么 就快回到我身边
[02:14.67]你 含着眼泪的双眼
[02:19.67]就证明我 还在 你心里面
[02:29.67]You are my destiny 永远
[02:37.17]You are my destiny 不变
[02:44.67]You are my everything
[03:01.18]You are the one my love 永远
[03:12.68]You are the one my love 不变
[03:20.93]You're my delight of all
[03:24.93]爱你的宿命 也不怕世界改变我们的永远
[03:37.92]My destiny