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835 - Audio [04:44.66] 6 years ago
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[00:01.41]Let’s chase our dreams
[00:03.17]Through this world of fantasy
[00:06.31]Come on let’s go
[00:17.06]Shining Road
[00:17.81]The place I know, where my dreams will reside.
[00:21.56]It’s you and me, and our destiny,
[00:23.88]and I hope our dreams will fly as high
[00:26.63]Don’t stop there!
[00:27.63]There’s more to do!
[00:28.64]You know I’ll count on you!
[00:30.88]For your courage will lead the way,
[00:32.63]to get us through,
[00:33.63]and save the day!
[00:35.12]The world is full of closed doors, so let’s get out and go explore!
[00:40.68](Come on!)
[00:41.44] Let’s go open them!
[00:43.19](Let’s Go!)
[00:43.43]And see what’s inside those doors!
[00:47.68]Oh yah! Come on! Let’s go!
[00:50.18]I want to start my story! (Start it right now)
[00:54.93]The blue sky is waiting to see us! (Woo!)
[00:59.19]Let’s take these dreams with a Jumping Heart!
[01:02.43]And reach to the sky!
[01:04.44]While we still are young, and having fun, and take it to tomorrow
[01:09.18]It’s time to start our story (Sunshine Story)
[01:14.19]The excitement is getting to me (Woo!)
[01:18.44]Let’s find our dreams and then hold them tight every day and night!
[01:23.43]Let’s light the path ahead with a bright light!
[01:28.18]Like the morning sun!
[01:38.68]Open Mind
[01:39.43]Enlighten yourself each and every day
[01:43.18]And as we learn,
[01:44.43] we shine brighter,
[01:45.43]and become the stars we’re meant to be
[01:48.44]So let’s fly, high to the sky,
[01:50.68]and shine like the sun
[01:52.43]From where I am, I wonder where, our goal will be from here.
[01:56.94]Along this shining road I see, you calling out to see me
[02:02.18](Come here!)
[02:02.93] Can you see me too?
[02:04.44](Let’s go)
[02:05.43]Towards the light of our futures!
[02:09.18]Come on! All together!
[02:11.44]I want to chase my future (So, where to now?)
[02:16.43]By rising up like the shining sun (Woo!)
[02:20.93]We will reach our dreams with a Charging Heart! And shine like the sun!
[02:25.94]With our youthful glow, our strength will show and we will seize our dreams!
[02:30.68]And I know our dreams may change (Sunshine Mission)
[02:35.68]I will be there every step of the way (Woo)
[02:40.18]So let’s reach for our dreams and hold them.
[02:43.43]As we fly up high!
[02:45.43]Towards the shining sun with everyone!
[02:49.68]So here we come!
[03:08.93](Jumping Heart!)
[03:10.19]I want to start chasing my dreams right now
[03:13.69](Charging Heart!)
[03:14.93]I feel like I know what my dreams are now
[03:18.68]So where is our goal?
[03:20.44]I wonder where?
[03:21.93]I do not know!
[03:23.69]Even if I don’t know where to go I know we’ll shine bright
[03:31.93]I want to start my story!
[03:36.68]The blue sky is waiting to see us!
[03:41.68]Let’s take these dreams with a Jumping Heart!
[03:44.68]And reach to the sky!
[03:46.43]While we still are young, and having fun, and take it to tomorrow
[03:50.94]It’s time to start our story (Sunshine Story)
[03:55.68]The excitement is getting to me (Woo!)
[04:00.68]Let’s find our dreams and then hold them tight every day and night!
[04:05.68]Let’s light the path ahead with a bright light!
[04:10.43]So let’s reach for our dreams and hold them.
[04:13.18]As we fly up high!
[04:15.43]Towards the shining sun with everyone!
[04:19.94]So here we come
[04:24.43]Like the Rising Sun