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Lrc Axwell Ingrosso - Dreamer (ft. Trevor Guthrie) [Lyric Video]

Axwell Ingrosso - Dreamer (ft. Trevor Guthrie) [Lyric Video] LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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173 - Axwell Ingrosso - Dreamer (ft. Trevor Guthrie) [Lyric Video] [04:10.15] 6 years ago
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[00:15.39]Heavy on your heart
[00:17.14]Heavy on your mind
[00:19.38]Wandering the streets tonight
[00:22.63]If you're looking for a home
[00:24.87]You are not alone
[00:26.88]I can be your guiding line
[00:29.87]'Cause I promise you
[00:33.63]I'm a dreamer too
[00:38.37]Heavy on my heart
[00:40.15]Wandering the streets tonight
[00:46.14]When it all counts for something
[00:52.14]And your pocket's full of nothing
[00:54.63]Let's get high on believing
[00:57.13]I can promise you
[00:59.16]Yes, I am a dreamer too
[01:02.38]We are dreamers together
[01:06.62]Always and forever
[01:09.88]Let's get high on believing
[01:12.37]I can promise you
[01:14.12]Yes, I am a dreamer too
[01:28.12]I can promise you
[01:29.38]Yes, I am a dreamer too
[01:33.12]Let's get high on believing
[01:42.88]I can promise you
[01:44.63]Yes, I am a dreamer too
[01:54.38]Heavy on my feet
[01:56.38]Heavy on me knees
[01:58.38]Walking down a winding road
[02:01.36]If you're looking for a home
[02:03.88]You are not alone
[02:05.89]I can be your stepping stone
[02:08.89]'Cause I promise you
[02:12.39]I'm a dreamer too
[02:17.13]Heavy on my feet
[02:19.13]Walking down a winding road
[02:26.15]When it all counts for something
[02:29.88]And your pocket's full of nothing
[02:33.63]Let's get high on believing
[02:36.13]I can promise you
[02:37.62]Yes, I am a dreamer too
[02:41.39]We are dreamers together
[02:45.40]Always and forever
[02:48.88]Let's get high on believing
[02:51.38]I can promise you
[02:53.40]Yes, I am a dreamer too