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Lrc Breathe by Lee hi

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1652 - Breathe by Lee hi [04:48.93] 6 years ago
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[ar:Lee hi]
[01:23.51]Breathe in deeply
[01:25.28]Until both sides of your chest
[01:26.25]Get numb
[01:26.99]Exhale more
[01:27.75]Until they start to hurt a little
[01:28.75]Until you feel like
[01:29.27]There’s nothing left inside of you

[01:30.76]It’s okay if your breath gets short
[01:32.49]No one is blaming you
[01:32.98]You can make mistakes from time to time
[01:33.76]Everyone else does too
[01:34.24]If I tell you “it’s alright”
[01:34.75]I know that they’re only words
[01:35.27]When someone sighs
[01:36.55]How can I understand
[01:36.99]Such deep breaths
[01:37.75]Your sigh
[01:39.00]Even though I won’t be able to understand its depth, that’s okay
[01:40.00]I will embrace you

[01:40.78]It’s okay if your breath gets short
[01:41.51]No one is blaming you
[01:41.99]You can make mistakes from time to time
[01:42.75]Everyone else does too
[01:43.29]If I tell you “it’s alright”
[01:44.22]I know that they’re only words
[01:44.50]When someone sighs
[01:45.25]How can I understand
[01:45.75]Such deep breath
[01:46.25]Your sigh
[01:46.48]Even though I won’t be able to understand its depth, that’s okay
[01:47.48]I will embrace you

[01:47.99]Even though your sigh may seem cheerless to others
[01:48.24]I know that
[01:48.75]Your day was so difficult that it was hard for you to let out even a small sigh
[01:49.50]Don’t think about anything else
[01:50.27]Breathe in deeply and exhale just as you are
[01:50.75]When someone sighs
[01:51.25]How can I understand
[01:51.75]Such deep breaths
[01:52.75]Your sigh
[01:53.77]Even though I won’t be able to understand its depth, that’s okay
[01:54.50]I will embrace you
[01:55.02]Thank you so much for your hard work