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Lrc Coheed and Cambria - Blood Red Summer

Coheed and Cambria - Blood Red Summer LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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858 - Coheed and Cambria - Blood Red Summer [04:06.54] 6 years ago
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[00:04.11]Coheed And Cambria Lyrics
[00:04.63]"Blood Red Summer"
[00:07.13]Faint white figures paint my sleep
[00:09.62]please don't tell my secrets keep them hidden (you got it, you got it, you got it)
[00:19.61]if the words that matter reach your face from floor
[00:22.12]will you be wondering if, or (do I need what is given or honest)
[00:31.88]does it cost me scarring if the words stay true
[00:35.11]even number your nephew (I don't want it, don't want it, don't want it anymore)
[02:09.37]and when the answer that you want
[02:09.88]is in the question that you state
[02:10.64]come what may
[02:15.63]come what may
[01:18.62]in a pain that buckles out your knees
[01:19.89]could you stop this if I plead (you got it, you got it, you got it)
[01:28.62]so destined I am to walk among the dark
[01:31.62]a child in keeping secrets from (will they know what I've done in the after)
[01:40.62]in the sought for matter when the words blame you
[01:44.13]in a blood red summer I'll give you (I don't want it, don't want it, don't want it)
[02:34.40]what did I do to deserve
[02:35.87]what did I do to deserve
[02:38.13]this? this?
[02:44.37]wa oh wa ooooh
[02:46.62]wa oh oh oh woah
[03:41.12]what did I do to deserve
[03:43.87]what did I do to deserve
[03:46.62]this? this?
[03:54.38]what did I do to deserve
[03:57.89]what did I do