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Lrc DEAN FUJIOKA 『Shelly』Searching for the Ghost

DEAN FUJIOKA 『Shelly』Searching for the Ghost LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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41354 - DEAN FUJIOKA 『Shelly』Searching for the Ghost [02:59.91] 4 years ago
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[00:07.86]握りしめた画面じゃ 退屈消せない
[00:15.35]眠らないこの東京で 行き止まりはない
[00:23.10]Night and day
[00:30.66]Cuz night and day
[00:38.11]You know why
[00:51.87]I’m searching for the ghost
[00:56.86]Keep me alive and drag me around
[01:00.87]God knows when’s right to be wrong
[01:12.11]理由などない衝動 You know why
[01:20.11]闇覗く Where’d you go?
[01:26.37]祈りも呪いも意味ない 試されるモラル
[01:33.64]踏み外せば致命傷 誤魔化せやしない
[01:41.61]Night and day
[01:48.37]Cuz night and day
[01:55.88]You know why
[02:01.40]What you see, what you say, what you want
[02:05.60]It’s all about the game
[02:08.36]I’m searching for the ghost
[02:14.38]Keep me alive and drag me around
[02:22.13]God knows when’s right to be wrong
[02:30.11]理由などない衝動 You know why
[02:38.11]闇覗く Where’d you go?
[02:50.85]You know why