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Lrc End of The Day lyric [Han_Rom_Eng] - Jonghyun (192 kbps)

End of The Day lyric [Han_Rom_Eng] - Jonghyun (192 kbps) LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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1146 - End of The Day lyric [Han_Rom_Eng] - Jonghyun (192 kbps) [04:37.55] 6 years ago
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[00:02.13]Hold out your hand, wrap it around my neck
[00:09.63]A little below, massage my shoulders
[00:16.88]At the end of a tiring day
[00:20.66]Even if the sun has already come up
[00:24.64]I’m finally closing my eyes
[00:32.15]I close the door to my day later than others
[00:39.63]Playfully tickle my earlobe
[00:47.40]Because even though we’ve been in different worlds all day
[00:54.87]We always end the day together
[01:01.13]Your small shoulders, your small hands
[01:09.89]Become my cozy blanket at the end of a tiring day
[01:18.13]You did a good job today, you worked so hard
[01:24.88]I hope my shoulders and my thick hands
[01:33.13]Will become cozy comfort
[01:36.89]For the end of your tiring day as well
[01:40.64]I want to naturally sync my breathing with yours
[02:03.38]Like water in a bathtub that wraps around you
[02:07.49]With no space left
[02:11.25]I wanna warmly hold you without any space left
[02:18.76]At the end of my day, filled with awkward mistakes
[02:26.50]You, my prize, are waiting for me
[02:32.49]Your small shoulders, your small hands
[02:40.99]Become my cozy blanket at the end of a tiring day
[02:49.51]You did a good job today, you worked so hard
[02:56.24]I hope my shoulders and my thick hands
[03:04.38]Will become cozy comfort
[03:08.13]For the end of your tiring day as well
[03:12.14]I want to naturally sync my breathing with yours
[03:18.14]I can’t cry all I want or even laugh all I want
[03:25.63]At the end of a tiring day but still, if I’m next to you
[03:33.38]Like a child, I can whine and then laugh
[03:38.89]Till I run out of breath
[03:42.90]I’m not used to seeing myself like this
[04:14.88]You did a good job today, you worked so hard
[04:21.38]You are my prize