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Lrc Everytime I close my eyes

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577 - Everytime I close my eyes [04:57.93] 6 years ago
by Guest
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[00:16.15]Girl, it's been a long, long time comin'
[00:29.15]But I
[00:31.66]I know that it's been worth the wait
[00:42.41]Yeah, It feels like springtime
[00:49.16]In winter it feels like Christmas
[00:55.66]In June it feels like heaven
[01:02.16]Has opened up it's gates for me and you
[01:09.40]And every time I close my eyes
[01:12.66]I thank the Lord that I've got you
[01:19.16]And you've got me too
[01:22.91]And every time I think of it
[01:25.91]I pinch myself 'cause
[01:28.41]I don't believe it's true
[01:32.66]That someone like you loves me too
[01:49.66]Girl, I think that you're truly somethin'
[01:58.41]Yes you are, yeah
[02:02.66]And you're
[02:05.15]You're every bit of a dream come true
[02:13.16]Yes you are, yeah
[02:16.16]With you baby
[02:18.65]It never rains and it's no wonder
[02:25.15]The sun always shines when I'm near you
[02:31.91]It's just a blessing
[02:35.91]That I have found somebody like you
[02:42.90]And every time I close my eyes
[02:46.16]I thank the lord that I've got you
[02:52.90]And you've got me too
[02:56.41]And every time I think of it
[02:59.41]I pinch myself 'cause
[03:02.15]I don't believe it's true
[03:06.40]That someone like you loves me too
[03:13.16]To think of all the nights I've cried myself to sleep
[03:19.66]You really oughta know how much you mean to me
[03:24.41]It's only right
[03:26.41]That you be in my life right here with me
[03:30.91]Oh baby, baby
[03:59.66]And every time I close my eyes
[04:03.15]I thank the lord that I've got you
[04:09.90]And you've got me too
[04:12.90]And every time I think of it
[04:16.40]I pinch myself 'cause
[04:18.65]I don't believe it's true
[04:23.15]That someone like you
[04:28.66]loves me too