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Lrc He ain't heavy, he's my brother - G - The Hollies - Kar

He ain't heavy, he's my brother - G - The Hollies - Kar LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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359 - He ain't heavy, he's my brother - G - The Hollies - Kar [04:59.56] 6 years ago
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[00:10.63]The road is long
[00:16.89]With many a winding turn
[00:23.14]That leads us to who knows where
[00:31.63]Who knows when
[00:37.38]But I'm strong
[00:43.13]Strong enough to carry him
[00:51.64]He ain't heavy, he's my brother
[01:01.89]So on we go
[01:08.38]His welfare is of my concern
[01:14.63]No burden is he to bear
[01:22.64]We'll get there
[01:28.89]For I know
[01:34.13]He would not encumber me
[01:43.39]He ain't heavy, he's my brother
[01:54.13]If I'm laden at all
[02:00.88]I'm laden with sadness
[02:07.38]That everyone's heart
[02:13.89]Isn't filled with the gladness
[02:20.14]Of love for one another
[02:30.88]It's a long, long road
[02:37.38]From which there is no return
[02:44.64]While we're on the way to there
[02:51.64]Why not share
[02:58.63]And the load
[03:04.13]Doesn't weigh me down at all
[03:12.88]He ain't heavy, he's my brother
[03:43.14]He's my brother
[03:49.38]He ain't heavy
[03:55.63]He's my brother...