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Lrc I Surrender (Album Faith _NDC Worship Live Recordi

I Surrender (Album Faith _NDC Worship Live Recordi LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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974 - I Surrender (Album Faith _NDC Worship Live Recordi [11:00.58] 5 years ago
by Guest
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[01:03.87]Lord I call Your name
[01:12.65]I hear Your voice
[01:30.13]Searching for me

[00:37.63]Lord I humble myself
[00:0.00]I'm on my knees
[00:0.00]Here in Your presence

[00:0.00]Lord I call Your name

[00:0.00]I give my life to You
[00:0.00]All my burdens and my fears
[00:0.00]I lay it down
[00:0.00]I let it go

[00:0.00]I surrender all
[00:0.00]I surrender all
[00:0.00]All to You my blessed Savior
[00:0.00]I surrender all

[00:0.00]Draw me close to Your place
[00:0.00]Guide my heart with grace
[00:0.00]In Your hands, I surrender all