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NCT DREAM - Dear DREAM LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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10102 - NCT DREAM - Dear DREAM [03:09.60] 6 years ago
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[00:04.25]Waking up and looking back at my heart that was distracted
[00:06.25]This song I see
[00:08.27]I hope it’s not blurry when I look back at it later
[00:10.27]I want to know how to color it dark
[00:13.02]I don’t need to know already
[00:14.50]I still can’t believe it
[00:15.52]I see the window of the car we used to ride together
[00:18.03]Everything around is
[00:19.27]Looking like a blur just like the outside, movements are fast
[00:21.02]I guess at one point we followed the speed of the car
[00:23.76]But honestly I think I’ve stopped in the past
[00:26.01]That time will always be that time, hope it never fades out
[00:28.27]To an unrecognizable look as we go down our own road
[00:31.01]Our gazes may reach each other one day
[00:32.01]Even if it’s in silence, our voices will reach each other
[00:34.51]We will worry about each other like always
[00:36.78]Don’t forget we are in touch
[00:39.02]Always in the same time, the same place, we were always together
[00:46.50]We don’t have the courage
[00:48.78]The words we couldn’t speak, the words we couldn’t deliver
[00:51.52]Just don’t forget this
[00:53.04]One night, far from now
[00:55.76]There will be a star that will lift your spirits
[00:58.26]That star will be me
[01:01.77]You exist
[01:03.26]The scale of the size nobody will understand
[01:06.28]Other than us
[01:09.04]In my heart
[01:11.51]I’ll be your home
[01:13.54]Ooh oooh I’ll be your home
[01:19.75]I’ll take you back home
[01:23.52]I’ll take you back
[01:26.51]We will go around and around
[01:28.53]I know this will be a memory not a reminiscence
[01:30.52]The apologetic, regretful thoughts linger, the longing
[01:33.25]That we didn’t realize because we were so used to it lingers
[01:35.77]I know the time will tell
[01:37.03]You know, we will always walk, following the star
[01:39.50]We were someone’s dream, we don’t forget each other
[01:41.26]You must know that
[01:42.27]I am always by your side
[01:43.53]I believe that sometimes, when a reality is a dream
[01:46.01]I worry about the seagull that always laughed for us
[01:48.51]Even if we’re on the same boat, we are on a different ocean
[01:50.26]But I will continue to always be the lighthouse
[01:51.28]You can rely on
[01:52.26]Yeah this is fate and that’s a fact
[01:53.26]When it’s too hard, I will be your green light
[01:59.04]Tell me after you deeply treasure the delighted feeling
[02:01.51]Feel like what
[02:03.27]We gon stay
[02:04.01]Do you remember what I said
[02:05.52]Every night long time ago
[02:08.02]The compass I saw in my dreams
[02:10.28]I know now that it’s you
[02:13.26]Now that time passed, you were so young
[02:15.76]But you were so big
[02:18.77]That side of you
[02:21.27]Gives me strength
[02:23.26]I’ll be your home
[02:25.76]Ooh oooh I’ll be your home
[02:44.51]This is only one part of something passing
[02:47.74]You can write this down, I believe you will pass on, this bookmark
[02:50.51]It’s more natural if you leave it to the flow
[02:53.01]But I don’t want this to sound like
[02:55.02]We’re about to depart
[02:58.02]If I ever get lost
[02:59.76]I wasn’t going to make it obvious
[03:01.54]Imma call back
[03:02.51]Don’t forget the tone I called you
[03:03.76]Chant it like we always did
[03:04.75]Hope we always feel like