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Lrc Ohh vennela

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2056 - Ohh vennela [04:54.56] 6 years ago
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[ti:Ohh vennela]
[00:27.52]O vennelaa.. telipedelaa
[00:29.02]O nesthama.. pilichedela..

[00:33.28]Kallu Kallu kalisayanta
[00:38.27]Valape poovayi poochindanta
[00:44.04]Nammina vaare povvuni kosthe
[00:49.32]Nee yedalo baadha teeredetta
[01:17.09]||O Vennela||

[01:55.52]Jadivaana ningini thadicheyuna
[02:01.05]Gandhalu poovuni vidipovuna
[02:06.52]Nannadigi prema yada cherena
[02:11.59]Valadanna yada nu vidi povuna
[02:17.02]Marichanu anna marichedela
[02:22.56]Marichaka nenu bratikedela
[02:28.28]||O vennela||

[02:56.81]Valapinchu hrudayam okate kada
[03:01.52]Edamaithe bratuku baruve kada
[03:07.05]Nilipanu pranam nee kosame
[03:12.28]Kalanaina kuda nee dhyaname
[03:17.82]Madiloni prema chanipodu le
[03:23.57]A natikaina ninu cheru le
[03:56.27]||O Vennelaa|| ||Kallu||