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Lrc Skan & Krale - No Glory (feat. M.I.M.E & Drama B)

Skan & Krale - No Glory (feat. M.I.M.E & Drama B) LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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1908 - Skan & Krale - No Glory (feat. M.I.M.E & Drama B) [04:36.30] 6 years ago
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[00:53.35]Found a little bit a light, tryna find my heart
[00:55.13]Funny when I'm bright, gotta lifestyle dark
[00:56.65]Hundy when I write, get a tight flow spark
[00:59.12]With a physco chart, playing dice go start
[01:00.71]Oh who are you, better know yourself
[01:02.23]Know your soul gotta know your wealth
[01:03.96]Slow your role, getta a hold don't melt
[01:05.48]And don't you fall , when it feel like hell

[01:07.20]Oh who am I, M.I.M.E I'm not the one you wanna fuck wit
[01:10.27]Late nights messin' up my sleep so I’m flustered
[01:13.50]Taking out aggression wit my pen because I trust it
[01:17.02]Writing tryna get myself a lam color custard

[01:19.76]For the game
[01:20.52]Leave 'em hanging by his chain
[01:22.02]Click bang, feel enraged
[01:23.78]Feel it firin' my brain. Feel insane
[01:26.02]Enda story, feel the flame
[01:27.76]45 to the brain, praying lord please help
[01:31.23]No Glory


[01:57.25]No glory, I M.I.M.E I'm not the one you wanna fuck wit
[02:01.76]Late nights messin' up my sleep so I’m flustered
[02:04.53]Taking out aggression wit my pen because I trust it
[02:08.02]Writing tryna get myself a lam color custard


[02:35.52]No glory

[02:50.01]I used to be that kid that everyday
[02:51.50]Would get rejected Y'all got my story
[02:53.76]The glory was painted on a song
[02:56.01]I'm mortified but feel immortal
[02:58.02]This pen to this paper always
[03:00.02]Open up different portals
[03:01.52]It's I and me, it's me and
[03:03.26]I'm by myself I'm down to ride
[03:05.27]Taking on the tides,
[03:06.51]Size of tsunamis touchin' the sky
[03:08.77]I get a quick scan, it's time to move
[03:11.28]Leavin' everything else behind
[03:13.01]I got something to prove

[03:14.26]I'm just running away
[03:16.25]No, I ain't running away
[03:17.78]I got memories saved oh
[03:19.49]I'm just finding my place
[03:20.77]Where I belong to
[03:23.57]Barely glory in my soul
[03:26.53]Eyy I'm riding away yeah,
[03:29.28]I'm finding my place yeah
[03:30.78]I gotta escape yeah,
[03:32.51]Its what I gotta do

[03:33.78]See you on the other side
[03:35.28]See you on the other side
[03:36.52]See you on the other side
[03:38.77]We all know

[03:40.03]No I ain't running running running yeah
[03:42.29]I'm coming coming coming yeah
[03:43.81]Knocking all these demons
[03:45.26]That been tryna run up on me yeah
[03:47.26]Oh I keep on fighting,
[03:48.52]They keep coming coming coming yeah
[03:50.51]I'ma keep keep on fighting till I'm gone
[03:52.25]I need the glory
