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  • Remember me

Lrc Trouble by 小卷毛

Trouble - 小卷毛 LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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987 - Trouble by 小卷毛 [02:19.78] 6 years ago
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[00:11.24]She told me don’t bring the flowers to our workspace
[00:16.09]Because it could bring the trouble trouble to our workplace
[00:21.40]Oh Linda, I don’t really care anymore because
[00:26.97]Because I can’t live without your face
[00:32.89]Trouble maker
[00:35.38]The meteor of my life
[00:39.29]even though I don’t love you yet
[00:42.66]Is what you said to me that night
[00:48.83]And I’ll remember this my whole life
[01:04.01]I don’t want to cause trouble
[01:09.10]But could I trouble you
[01:10.25]With forever
[01:11.95]Forever I will stay with you
[01:14.49]We’ve both been through many miles on our journeys
[01:20.06]But together we can take them slowly
[01:33.28]I don’t want to cause trouble but could I trouble you
[01:40.88]With a ring
[01:43.13]For you I have a ring
[00:0.00]Can I marry you?