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Lrc Wasted Penguinz - Black & White

Wasted Penguinz - Black & White LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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634 - Wasted Penguinz - Black & White [03:28.80] 6 years ago
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[00:05.01]This is too much talking
[00:10.77]And there is nothing left to say
[00:17.28]I bet faith can move mountains
[00:23.29]So on my knees I start to pray
[00:30.05]Too close for comfort
[00:36.06]And too blind to see
[00:42.57]It's black and white
[00:44.49]There's no color
[00:49.25]Something's coming over me
[02:02.92]Heard a voice calling out my name
[02:15.69]Time to change
[02:17.69]We can't remain the same
[02:26.96]No more
[02:33.47]No more