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1713 - canyou原唱 [02:59.50] 6 years ago
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[00:04.90]I can see what's happening
[00:07.40]And they don't have a clue
[00:09.55]They'll fall in love and
[00:11.30]here's the bottom line
[00:13.05]Our trio's down to two
[00:16.80]The sweet caress of twilight
[00:19.80]There's magic everywhere
[00:23.05]And with all this
[00:24.80]romantic atmosphere
[00:28.80]Disaster's in the air
[00:37.30]Can you feel
[00:39.80]the love tonight
[00:44.30]The peace the
[00:45.55]evening brings
[00:49.80]The world for once
[00:52.80]in perfect harmony
[00:56.05]With all its living things
[01:02.30]So many things to tell her
[01:05.80]But how to make her see
[01:08.80]The truth about
[01:10.05]my past, impossible
[01:12.30]She'd turn away from me
[01:15.30]He's holding back,
[01:16.80]he's hiding
[01:18.30]But what,
[01:19.55]I can't decide
[01:21.80]Why won't he be
[01:23.05]the king I know he is?
[01:24.81]The king I see inside?
[01:30.05]Can you feel the
[01:32.30]love tonight?
[01:36.05]The peace the
[01:37.80]evening brings
[01:42.30]The world, for once,
[01:45.30]in perfect harmony
[01:48.30]With all its living things
[01:55.30]Can you feel the
[01:58.05]love tonight?
[02:02.05]You needn't look too far
[02:07.80]Stealing through the
[02:11.30]night's uncertainties
[02:14.30]Love is where they are
[02:20.05]And if he falls in
[02:23.80]love tonight
[02:27.80]It can be assumed
[02:33.30]His carefree days
[02:35.94]with us are history
[02:39.69]In short,
[02:41.20]our pal is doomed