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Lrc friend原唱

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1758 - friend原唱 [02:04.57] 6 years ago
by Guest
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[00:10.40]You've got a friend in me
[00:14.65]You've got a friend in me
[00:19.15]When the road looks
[00:21.15]rough ahead
[00:22.16]And you're miles
[00:23.65]and miles from your
[00:24.90]nice warm bed
[00:27.15]You just remember
[00:28.65]what your old pal said
[00:30.65]Boy, you've got
[00:32.15]a friend in me
[00:34.90]Yeah, you've got
[00:36.40]a friend in me
[00:44.15]You've got a friend in me
[00:48.15]You've got a friend in me
[00:52.40]You got troubles,
[00:54.15]and I got them too
[00:56.40]There isn't anything
[00:58.15]I wouldn't do for you
[01:00.65]We stick together,
[01:01.80]we can see it through
[01:03.80]'Cause you've got
[01:05.30]a friend in me
[01:08.80]You've got a friend in me
[01:13.05]Some other folks might
[01:14.55]be a little bit smarter
[01:15.94]than I am
[01:17.45]Bigger and stronger too
[01:21.44]But none of them
[01:22.94]will ever love you
[01:24.94]The way I do
[01:26.69]It's me and you, boy
[01:29.44]And as the years go by
[01:32.94]Our friendship
[01:34.44]will never die
[01:37.44]You're gonna see
[01:39.19]it's our destiny
[01:42.70]You've got a friend in me
[01:46.69]You've got a friend in me
[01:50.69]You've got a friend in me