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Lrc Self Indulgence-This Hurts Self Indulgence-This Hurts LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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498 - Self Indulgence-This Hurts [02:21.37] 6 years ago
by Guest
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[00:00.67]Night falls
[00:01.89]In the dream
[00:03.64]You are falling
[00:05.89]As dark lightens
[00:11.89](So much blood)
[00:14.89]Oh! x3
[00:20.63]Yeah, yeah
[00:23.37]Oh, God I'm beautiful
[00:25.13]Oh, God I'm wonderful
[00:26.62]I'm marvelous, intelligent
[00:28.62]So why doesn't that make me feel better?
[00:31.62]I need some more
[00:32.38]I need someone who's insecure
[00:34.39]I don't care who you are
[00:36.16](Controlling you makes me better)
[00:38.62]This hurts me more than
[00:42.12]It will ever hurt you
[00:46.36]This hurts me more than
[00:49.88]It will ever hurt you
[00:56.88](I struck her face until it ran blood)
[01:01.89]This will hurt you
[01:04.89]This will help me
[01:07.13]Help me hurt you!
[01:08.63]Oh! x3
[01:14.64]Yeah, yeah
[01:16.87]Oh, God I can't exist
[01:18.89]I need someone meaningless
[01:20.37]To justify my existence
[01:22.64]Fucking you will keep me alive
[01:24.88]But it never does
[01:26.37]And that's the way it always was
[01:28.13]Lovely ladies, maids of honor
[01:30.14](Fucking you will make me stronger)
[01:32.36]This hurts me more than
[01:36.13]It will ever hurt you
[01:40.14]This hurts me more than
[01:43.64]It will
[01:49.89]This will help me
[01:51.40]Help me hurt you!
[01:53.63]Oh God, I'm beautiful
[01:54.14]Oh God, I'm wonderful
[01:54.88]I'm marvelous, intelligent
[01:55.37]So why doesn't that make me feel better?
[01:58.14](You will make me stronger)
[02:01.13]This will help me
[02:04.63]This will hurt you
[02:09.12](Fucking you will make me stronger)
[02:12.89]This will help me
[02:14.13]Help me hurt you!
[02:17.63]Hurt me