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Lrc Mother-Bit By Bit Mother-Bit By Bit LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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493 - Mother-Bit By Bit [03:18.37] 6 years ago
by Guest
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[00:13.64]Bit by bit, gonna get my bricks out in the sticks
[00:18.42]Bit by bit, gonna build my house in the wildest thickets
[00:26.39]Gonna get away from all those mouths and my shit
[00:31.41]Gonna say good-bye to all the la-di-da-di-da-di-da-di-da
[00:38.91]I’m getting on a mountain, away from the people on the ground and
[00:43.40]Some cop sticking up my wagon
[00:51.92]One by one, I’m gonna get my properties all bundled up
[00:59.92]To the branch of a poplar tree and saunter off
[01:05.17]With a buck and a wildebeest
[01:07.90]I’m getting lost, I’m getting lost, I’m getting lost
[01:14.39]I’m getting on a mountain, away from the people on the ground and
[01:19.64]Some cop sticking up my wagon
[01:22.14]Chop chop we gonna build a cabin, up top on a pretty little mountain
[01:27.64]Fuck off all you people on the ground, ya!
[01:36.40]No I won’t bring too much of anything
[01:41.15]Maybe a little slicker for the rain
[01:46.65]Maybe just a good book and a heart to break
[01:51.88]I’ll make a mistress of a little Wiccan thing
[01:57.39]Bit by bit, gonna get my bricks out in the sticks
[02:02.65]Bit by bit, gonna build my house in the wildest thickets
[02:10.15]Gonna get away from all those mouths and my shit
[02:15.90]Gonna say good bye to all the la-di-da-di-da-di-da-di-da
[02:40.64]I’m getting on a mountain, away from the people on the ground and
[02:45.14]Some cop sticking up my wagon
[02:47.64]Chop chop we gonna build a cabin, up top on a pretty little mountain
[02:52.89]Fuck off all you people on the ground, ya!