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Lrc Exchange of hearts - B - David Slater - Kar

Exchange of hearts - B - David Slater - Kar LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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338 - Exchange of hearts - B - David Slater - Kar [03:33.78] 6 years ago
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[00:13.89]One-sided love broke the see-saw down
[00:19.88]I got to get rough when I hit the ground
[00:25.88]And you went your way and I went wild
[00:31.88]And girl, you'd understand if your heart was mine
[00:40.63]If we had an exchange of hearts
[00:46.63]Then you'd know why I fell apart
[00:53.63]You'd feel the pain when the mem'ries start
[00:58.88]If we had an exchange of hearts
[01:09.38]I'd never wished a lonely heart on you
[01:15.38]It's not your fault, I chose to play the fool
[01:21.38]One day may come when you'll be in my shoes
[01:27.38]Then your heart will break and you'll feel just like I do
[01:36.38]If we had an exchange of hearts
[01:41.88]Then you'd know why I fell apart
[01:49.13]You'd feel the pain when the mem'ries start
[01:54.38]If we had an exchange of hearts
[02:01.13]When time turns the tables
[02:04.13]And soon I'll be able
[02:07.13]To find a new romance
[02:13.13]And then you'll remember
[02:16.38]My love warm and tender
[02:19.63]Too late for a second chance
[02:50.13]If we had an exchange of hearts
[02:56.13]Then you'd know why I fell apart
[03:03.13]You'd feel the pain when the mem'ries start
[03:08.38]If we had an exchange of hearts
[03:14.88]If we had an exchange of hearts