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Lrc In Hearts Wake - Afterglow

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484 - In Hearts Wake - Afterglow [03:47.58] 6 years ago
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[00:23.91]In the afterglow, 在晚霞中,
[00:25.16]the bond remains unbroken.年轻的心被唤醒
[00:31.17]when young hearts have been awoken.联结依然永恒。
[00:35.91]Just follow the light.就跟随光明。
[00:38.41]This distance,这距离,
[00:41.17]it doesn't matter to us.我们不畏惧。
[00:44.67]Standing by,伫立着,
[00:47.66]waiting for our stories to be told.等待我们的故事被传诵。
[00:50.91]We hold.坚持,
[00:52.41]We hold the unbroken bond坚持永恒的联结,
[00:54.66]no matter how old we are.就算我们衰老。
[01:01.91]we are the fireflies.我们是萤火虫。
[01:03.16]We are the light.我们是光,
[01:06.66]We burn so bright.熊熊燃烧。
[01:09.91]We are the stars that shine,我们是闪耀的星,
[01:12.87]even in the darkest night.哪怕在最黑暗的夜。
[01:16.36]We are the light,我们是光,
[01:19.38]We burn so bright.熊熊燃烧。
[01:22.87]We are the stars that shine,我们是闪耀的星,
[01:25.86]even in the darkest night.何惧在最黑暗的夜。
[01:42.37]This distance,这距离,
[01:45.12]it doesn't matter to us.我们不畏惧。
[01:48.27]Standing by,伫立着,
[01:51.28]waiting for our stories to be told.等待我们的故事被传诵。
[01:54.52]We hold.坚持,
[01:56.52]We hold the unbroken bond,坚持永恒的联结,
[01:58.53]no matter how old we are.就算我们衰老。
[02:05.78]in the afterglow.在这晚霞中
[02:07.02]the bond remains unbroken,联结依然永恒。
[02:13.02]when young hearts have been awoken.当年轻的心被唤醒。
[02:17.77]Just follow the light.就跟随光明。
[02:20.53]Can you hear 能听到
[02:22.27]the voices calling you to the shadows?呼唤你堕入阴影的声音吗?
[02:26.77]Can you feel能感到
[02:28.02]the reaper pulling you to the gallows?拖着你陷入恐惧的魔鬼吗?
[02:46.52]We are the light.我们是光,
[02:49.27]We burn so bright.熊熊燃烧。
[02:52.52]We are the stars that shine,我们是闪耀的星,
[02:55.77]even in the darkest night.何惧在最黑暗的夜。
[02:58.77]We are the light.我们是光,
[03:01.77]We burn so bright.熊熊燃烧。
[03:05.52]We are the stars that shine,我们是闪耀的星,
[03:08.51]even in the darkest night.何惧在最黑暗的夜。
[03:11.76]Can you hear能听到
[03:13.52]the voices calling you to the shadows?呼唤你堕入阴影的声音吗?
[03:18.27]Can you feel能感到
[03:19.76]the reaper pulling you to the gallows?拖着你陷入恐惧的魔鬼吗?