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Lrc langit by slapshock

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1520 - langit by slapshock [04:55.31] 6 years ago
by Guest
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[00:11.48]My or may we be this way forever?
[00:0.00]Tell me lover what will become of the other
[00:0.00]Bones, skin, nails and flesh
[00:0.00]On a bed of lack of passion, a medieval consequence
[00:0.00]They worry you with all the talk of how your not their kind

[00:0.00]Now i'm stealing her body and taking it home
[00:0.00]There is always one more fault

[00:0.00]Now adjust it, you must trust me darling
[00:0.00]Subsequentially it seems you deserve more than me
[00:0.00]They bury you while wearing garments of funeral fire

[00:0.00]Now i'm stealing her body and taking it home
[00:0.00]There is always one more fault
[00:0.00]Now i'm stealing her body and taking it home
[00:0.00]There is always one more fault

[00:0.00]This will hurt you, it's killing me
[00:0.00]This will hurt you, it's killing me
[00:0.00]This will hurt you, it's killing me
[00:0.00]This will hurt you, and I will to, and I will

[00:0.00]Bloodloss, bloodlust, for this girl
[00:0.00]Bloodloss, bloodlust, for this boy
[00:0.00]Bloodloss, bloodlust, for this girl
[00:0.00]Bloodloss, bloodlust, for this boy, this boy

[00:0.00]But now I punch a wound and once again forgive my sin

[00:0.00]Now i'm stealing her body and taking it home
[00:0.00]There is always one more fault
[00:0.00]Now i'm stealing her body and taking it home
[00:0.00]This is forever
[00:0.00]There is always one more fault
[00:0.00]This is forever