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Lrc missingyou原唱

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1451 - missingyou原唱 [05:50.36] 6 years ago
by Guest
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[00:28.15]Flash back
[00:35.66]I'm just thinking
[00:37.90]of you Oh
[00:51.15]會いたい 胸が痛いよ
[00:54.90]Oh boy,
[00:56.65]now I'm still missing you
[01:09.44]Where's love?
[01:25.58]I'm crying for you
[01:30.58]I'm calling your name
[01:36.08]I always feel just the same
[01:45.33]I'll sing for you
[01:50.08]I'll stay here for you
[01:55.33]I wanna give you all my love
[02:02.71]It's hard to say good bye
[02:16.51]can't go on
[02:32.65]Where's love?
[02:49.15]I'm crying for you
[02:53.90]I'm calling your name
[02:59.03]I always feel just the same
[03:08.53]I'll sing for you
[03:13.53]I'll stay here for you
[03:18.29]I wanna give you
[03:20.03]all my love
[03:26.78]まなざしに 指先に
[03:31.53]くちびるに 心に
[03:36.53]あの場所に あの歌に
[03:41.28]今も 君を感じてるよ
[03:48.53]I'm crying for you
[03:50.03]I know I love you babe
[03:52.03]I think of you, no matter what I do
[03:57.28]Come back to me
[03:59.53]Kiss me one more time
[04:02.28]I'm missing you
[04:26.93]I'll sing for you
[04:31.67]I'll stay here for you
[04:36.58]I wanna give
[04:38.07]you all my love
[04:46.57]I'm crying for you
[04:48.72]I know I love you babe
[04:51.22]I think of you
[04:53.46]no matter what I do
[04:55.97]Come back to me
[04:58.47]Kiss me one more time
[05:00.96]I'm missing you