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Contact Megalobiz

Contact Addresses

Phones : (+509)-3756-7873 / (+509)-3360-2645
Email : Location : 20A, Delmas 41, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Contact Our Staff Members

COPYRIGHT PROTECTION Megalobiz is new to the musical industry. We prepare the platform to be flexible for Copyright Management (Access to Listen, to Download, to make use of Adsense, etc.) . We have invested a lot of money to develop our own platform, and Megalobiz main objective is to give the Artists full control to manage their albums, songs and lyrics, and also possiblity to make Revenu from Pageviews & Plays of their Musics via Hosted Adsense like Youtube. But in order to do this, Megalobiz must become strong enough as a website, this is why we start by making some money with the musics, and when the platform is strong enough, Haitian Artists will benefit all appropriate Revenu for the use of their musics. However, if you want Megalobiz to limit access to your Songs, you can simply fill the contact form, select Copyright Category, in the details leave your phone number or email, explain the limit you want to apply to a Song or an entire Album, ex : Block Listening, Block Downloading, Don't Use Ads, etc . The same apply for Picture.