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Lrc 风已起 (Rising Wind) - 李紫婷 (Mimi Lee)《浮图缘 Unchained Love》Chi_Eng_Pinyin lyrics

风已起 (Rising Wind) - 李紫婷 (Mimi Lee)《浮图缘 Unchained Love》Chi_Eng_Pinyin lyrics LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music

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203886 - 风已起 (Rising Wind) - 李紫婷 (Mimi Lee)《浮图缘 Unchained Love》Chi_Eng_Pinyin lyrics [04:01.43] 1 year ago
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[00:28.49]Wind sweeps through the bottom of my heart
[00:34.82]Blowing ripples into our past
[00:41.19]Sighing and lamenting... still, we can't escape parting
[00:47.60]How can ripples be made in a mirror?
[00:53.96]The wind cannot dispel my loneliness
[01:00.05]What are the sorrows and joys of this mortal world?
[01:06.83]Looking upon desolation and recklessness
[01:10.05]Not knowing when I can return
[01:13.13]How can we fight for the days and nights in this ephemeral world?
[01:21.21]The wind has risen in the smoke and rain
[01:27.67]Even though the road ahead is rough
[01:34.04]The wind has risen and carrying on is difficult,
[01:40.34]But I'll pledge my life to you
[02:13.03]The wind cannot dispel my loneliness
[02:20.52]What are the sorrows and joys of this mortal world?
[02:26.76]Looking upon desolation and recklessness
[02:29.99]Not knowing when I can return
[02:33.30]How can we fight for the days and nights in this ephemeral world?
[02:41.01]The wind has risen in the smoke and rain
[02:47.57]Even though the road ahead is rough
[02:53.98]The wind has risen and carrying on is difficult,
[03:00.40]But I pledge my life to you