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Lrc SOMEONE LIKE YOU - G - Eric Clapton - Seq

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621 - SOMEONE LIKE YOU - G - Eric Clapton - Seq [04:34.83] 6 years ago
by Guest
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[00:16.40]I got up this morning
[00:18.90] And fell out of bed
[00:22.65]Trying to make it to the door
[00:29.65]The wind was high
[00:31.90]I didn't have much time
[00:36.15]Trying to find a man to score
[00:42.65]And then you came up
[00:45.65] On the other side
[00:49.90]To brighten up my day
[00:55.65]I knew right away
[01:01.90]That this could be my day
[01:08.65]Someone like you
[01:15.65]Could make me change my ways
[01:22.15]Someone like you
[01:29.15]Could turn the nights into days
[01:35.40]There you were standing
[01:42.15]On a crowded street
[01:48.40]You looked so good
[01:50.40]Though the air was bad
[01:55.40]Walking through the fog
[02:01.15]Someone like you
[02:08.65]Could make me change my ways
[02:14.90]Someone like you
[02:21.65]Could turn the nights into days
[02:53.65]I want to thank you
[02:57.15]Thank you now
[03:00.65]For getting me back on my feet again
[03:07.15]I want to thank you
[03:10.40]Thank you now
[03:13.65]For getting me back on my feet again
[03:20.15]Someone like you
[03:27.15]Could make me change my ways
[03:33.15]Someone like you
[03:40.15]Could turn the nights into days
[03:46.65]Someone like you
[03:53.90]Could make me change my ways
[03:59.90]Someone like you
[04:06.40]Could turn the nights into days