Lrc can we kiss forever by Kina
can we kiss forever - Kina LRC Lyrics - Donwload, Copy or Adapt easily to your Music
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4 years ago
[ti:can we kiss forever]
[00:02.80]I tried to reach you, I can't hide
[00:13.01]How strong's the feeling when we dive
[00:17.76]I crossed the ocean of my mind
[00:22.26]My wounds are healing with the salt
[00:26.51]All my senses intensified
[00:31.27]Whenever you and I, we dive
[00:35.50]I crossed the ocean of my mind
[00:39.51]But in the end I drown
[00:41.76]You push me down, down
[01:26.27]All the shame
[01:53.01]When you called my name
[02:00.27]I felt pain
[02:09.30]When you came
[ti:can we kiss forever]
[00:02.80]I tried to reach you, I can't hide
[00:13.01]How strong's the feeling when we dive
[00:17.76]I crossed the ocean of my mind
[00:22.26]My wounds are healing with the salt
[00:26.51]All my senses intensified
[00:31.27]Whenever you and I, we dive
[00:35.50]I crossed the ocean of my mind
[00:39.51]But in the end I drown
[00:41.76]You push me down, down
[01:26.27]All the shame
[01:53.01]When you called my name
[02:00.27]I felt pain
[02:09.30]When you came
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